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Neco B&W_edited_edited.png

Nec16, hailing from Chicago, IL, is a multi-talented creative force. His journey in the music realm ignited in July 2016, a significant turning point that evolved from a casual interest sparked by his late mother's musical influence. Witnessing his sister crafting beats at their living room table, Nec16 spontaneously freestyle rapped, stunning his sister and mother with his hidden talent. The ensuing phone calls and gatherings marked the beginning of his rap odyssey, with resounding validation from his listeners.

Driven by the encouragement of peers, Nec16 honed his lyrical skills. School became his stage, captivating classmates and affirming his path in music. Dissatisfied with studio mixes, he took matters into his own hands, mastering recording and mixing techniques. This pursuit extended to crafting his own beats, enabling him to break free from the confines of others' instrumentals.

Amidst life's adversities, including surviving a shooting and enduring surgeries, Nec16's music journey faced interruptions. Yet, a renewed dedication emerged, sparked by the realization that consistent effort could lead to fruition. Armed with resilience and strategic focus, he surged ahead, eventually securing trademarks and licenses for his music. Today, Nec16's momentum continues to grow, as he emerges as a noteworthy independent artist on the music landscape.

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